Our Story

Mission: The ArtsQuest Foundation was founded in 2002 for the purpose of providing a vehicle for donors to offer long term support of ArtsQuest and the hundreds of arts, culture and education programs that ArtsQuest offers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and the surrounding Greater Lehigh Valley region.
Creation: The ArtsQuest Foundation was inaugurated with a generous gift from Marlene O. “Linny” Fowler, an artist and philanthropist who was the co-founder of ArtsQuest’s Banana Factory Arts Center. Mrs. Fowler’s endowment gift provides a permanent source of operating support for the arts center, which, in her spirit, offers scholarships for its arts classes, camps and workshops to any adult or student who can not afford the tuition. Mrs. Fowler served on the Foundation Board of Trustees from 2002 until her passing in 2013.
Goal: ArtsQuest and its diverse programs are now an important element in the vitality of Bethlehem and the Lehigh Valley. The Foundation is seeking to develop sufficient endowment and reserve support so that regardless of economic conditions, ArtsQuest will have the capacity to offer high quality arts, education and cultural programs to the community.
For more information about ArtsQuest and its programs, please explore: