Planned Giving

A planned gift to the ArtsQuest Foundation assures our community access to artistic, cultural, and educational programs for generations to come! Establish a planned gift to the ArtsQuest Foundation by will, trust, or beneficiary designation of your retirement plan, financial accounts, donor advised fund, or life insurance.
Planning today ensures your assets are allocated in the most meaningful way for you. In some instances, you may see estate and/or personal tax advantages or financial flexibility for the future, including use of your assets throughout your lifetime.
Include a statement in your will or trust:
Sample bequest language –
“I devise and bequeath [percentage of my estate or residue, specific dollar amount, or property] to the ArtsQuest Foundation, Bethlehem, PA, Tax ID #20-0652958.”
Name the ArtsQuest Foundation on your beneficiary designation forms:
Request a form from your account administrator and designate all or a percentage of assets from your retirement plan, financial accounts, donor advised fund, or life insurance to the ArtsQuest Foundation, Bethlehem, PA, Tax ID #20-0652958.
Gifts to the ArtsQuest Foundation may be appropriated to one of the nonprofit’s existing Endowments or to its General Support Fund. In special circumstances, new funds may be formed to honor the interests of the donor.
Recognition for your gift
Unless you prefer to remain anonymous, the ArtsQuest Foundation will honor your planned gift on our planned giving website. Once your gift arrives, you will be recognized in the ArtsQuest Foundation’s annual report. Certain gifts may be appropriate for the Jeff Parks Founders Society which provides permanent on-site recognition for legacy giving.
Have you already made a planned gift to the ArtsQuest Foundation?
Thank you! If you haven’t already done so, please let us know about your planned gift so that we can honor it now & in the future.
To speak more about current or potential planned gifts, please contact
Selena Lavonier
Executive Director, ArtsQuest Foundation
610-332-1345 |
Legal Name
ArtsQuest Foundation
Tax Status
ArtsQuest Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Federal Tax ID
Please discuss your planned gift ideas with your legal or financial advisors. Any information provided by the ArtsQuest Foundation is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice.